Re: [TML] The whole 'Black Gloves -> Jump Drive juice' - an answer from MWM
Rupert Boleyn 10 Oct 2020 17:12 UTC
On 11Oct2020 0355, Phil Pugliese - philpugliese at (via tml
list) wrote:
> Once I finally got ahold of the 1st ed (1979) HG CT LBB my first > reaction was; "Heck, this is better than the later one. What ever >
made MM want to change it so much?" However, it's apparent that >
dissatisfaction set in quick as it seems that work on the 2nd ed >
commenced right after the 1st ed was published.
There are some things that are probably better in the 2nd version -
pulse lasers suck a bit less, meson guns aren't insensitive to range.
Only meson guns caring about hull form is the huge combat change, and I
think I prefer the earlier version there, conceptually at least. I do
like the way the 2nd edition made particle beams unique in that they
they have no counter other than 'don't get hit' and armour.
Rupert Boleyn <>