Re: [TML] The Compleat Starport by J. Andrew Keith Update 2
Rupert Boleyn 03 Oct 2020 07:38 UTC
On 03Oct2020 1954, Phil Pugliese - philpugliese at (via tml
list) wrote:
> Hmmmm. > Then I guess I don't recall what the string of numbers was called >
but it must have been called something? > In any case it's odd that
'Trillion Credit Sqd' only used the > mainworld stats. This might've
been where I first got the idea that > the stats applied to the whole
system & not just the 'mainworld' > (whatever the definition of that
term really is).
TCS had to only use the mainworld stats, because that's all GDW could
assume the players had access to. After all, sector/subsector maps only
have the basic data.
Actually, TCS came out in 1981 and I'm not sure the other stats existed
back then, aside from "Gas Giant? Yes/No". Book 6: Scouts in 1983 would
seem to be when such things as secondary worlds turn up. Even then
population is still just the exponent, with no multiplier.
Rupert Boleyn <>