Re: [TML] In Re Canon, Re...dux (was Re: A question for the panel regarding jump drive and relativity) Jeff Zeitlin (10 Sep 2020 10:52 UTC)

Re: [TML] In Re Canon, Re...dux (was Re: A question for the panel regarding jump drive and relativity) Jeff Zeitlin 10 Sep 2020 10:52 UTC

On Thu, 10 Sep 2020 03:54:28 +0000 (UTC), Phil Pugliese wrote:

> Sure, but receive the imprimatur from whom?

Not actually relevant, unless you _are_ an Author, in which case it becomes
"from whichever current licensee you're selling it to."  Right now, that
means Marc for T5 (or anything other than Mongoose), or Mongoose.

>That, IMO, is where TU canon has gotten muddled up, cuz' just about
>everyone has their own canon & that includes those (note the plural)
>authorized to grant the 'seal of approval'.

>My standard reply is now this;"Well you also can claim whatever you want
>but it doesn't really make any difference cuz' 'canon' doesn't really
>matter anymore since it's been 'here today, gone tomorrow for more decades
>than I like to consider".

Unless you're talking to an Author, your standard reply should be (per The
Rant) more along the lines of "You play your game and I'll play mine. If
we're playing together, the Referee decides.".  That's more or less the
whole point of "IMTU" and The Rant. If you're talking to an Author, then
he's more-or-less right about Canon by definition - but, per The Rant,
"IMTU" _always_ applies.

An important subtext of The Rant is that we can discuss Canon and
interpretations thereof, but if I try to use "CANON!" to beat you over the
head, I'm automatically wrong. That's not what Canon is for, and never was.

(Note: _anyone_ can write and publish material that can be used with Your
Favorite Version of Traveller - that is, after all, _exactly_ what
Freelance Traveller is all about. An Author, with a capital A in The Rant,
is someone who is doing so _for money from an official licensee_. Even
though I've written rule material (for example, the Tavrchedl' career) and
background material (for example, the Kurishdam on Talk Opera), I'm not an
Author, and my stuff, even if it doesn't explicitly contradict anything in
Canon, is not itself part of the Canon. You want to incorporate it into
your game? Feel free; that's what it's there for. But it's still not

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Jeff Zeitlin, Editor
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