It's time to start compiling material for the next issue of Freelance Traveller, and as usual, I need more material from The Community. REVIEWS: Of *anything*, but if someone has played the Traveller CCG and/or Traveller Ascension: Imperial Warrant, I'd _really_ appreciate good solid reviews of them. Mr Collinson, it's time for another Confession... :) (To the rest of the list: no, I don't make him say Hail Marys or read and memorize scripture, and there's no Eucharist. It's not that kind of Confession, and I'm Jewish anyway!) ADVENTURES: Both long and short form would be welcome. And even though Reality Bites, I'm not opposed to plague-centric plot lines... WORLDBUILDING: Got any worlds you've built and want to share? There's always room for another Jump Destination on the departure board... Tips and techniques for bringing a world or a culture to life? I can use those, too; that's what The Prep Room is for! Background stuff? Historical perspectives, cultural oddities, scholarly analyses? "Kurishdam" is a Vilani word that means "a change in lighting that reveals new detail". GAMING: The Prep Room is also where you can give hints and tips for running games; if you've been doing it virtual, WRITE ABOUT IT and send it in! If its about _HOW_ you virtualized your gaming, that's a Prep Room article, if its about how the game itself went, that's an after-action report for Raconteurs' Rest. RULES: Careers, tasks, managing trade, managing encounters, managing combat, avoiding combat, using technology, ... it's all fair game. If you do it your way, share! STORIES: One-offs or serials, I like 'em both. Let's have 'em. PICTURES: Pretty pictures go over well. Even good drawings do. CHARACTERS: Playable as PCs or not (NPCs), if they've got personalities, they're interesting. Profile them for us! ET CETERA: Yeah, I'll take that, too. Send it in! (By the way, I expect to be posting the website tonight, so the embargo 'breaks' in a few hours. It's a one-time breaking, though, and only because I goofed and inadvertently "over-embargoed" the May/June issue... the embargo on September/October will stand until the November/December issue posts.) ®Traveller is a registered trademark of Far Future Enterprises, 1977-2020. Use of the trademark in this notice and in the referenced materials is not intended to infringe or devalue the trademark. -- Jeff Zeitlin, Editor Freelance Traveller The Electronic Fan-Supported Traveller® Resource Freelance Traveller extends its thanks to the following enterprises for hosting services: onCloud/CyberWeb Enterprises ( The Traveller Downport (