Re: [TML] CT Striker Book 3 Hyper-velocty Gun HEAP rounds
Rupert Boleyn 13 Jul 2020 08:36 UTC
On 13Jul2020 1957, Ethan McKinney wrote:
> I'm pretty sure that they use the "Other" column of the Vehicle
> Penetration Table, so they do more damage when they do penetrate.
> Also, I think that they can do damage to structures, unlike KEAP.
Ah, yes they can. They count as 'other' vs structures whereas KEAP
explicitly do nothing to structures. Vs. vehicles the 'other' table is a
bit better than the KAEP table, but the KEAP having better penetration
counters that so it's a wash. Vs. personnel KEAPER upgrades all wound
results one step (they, and similar weapons like lasers, don't do light
wounds as a result of this).
Rupert Boleyn <>