Re: [TML] Play Traveller over Slack, Zoom, Teams, etc.
Hubert Figuiere 23 Apr 2020 19:03 UTC
On 2020-04-23 2:44 p.m., Christopher Hilton wrote:
> Is anyone playing or has anyone played a game using a video conferencing tool like Slack, Zoom, Teams, Skype or Webex? I’m wondering if there are any challenges to that which would be unique to the video conference medium?
The biggest issue is the game table and that's when a service like
Roll20 comes to play (that's the only one I have used).
Use Roll20 to setup your game, and if Roll20 built in audio/video
doesn't work use something else[*] (we used Google Hangout / Meet). All
of that works in the web browser.
[*] of the 5 players, 3 do computers for a living and we couldn't make
it work yesterday on Roll20, so we switched to use the Google thing for
the audio video. - However it worked last week.