Re: [TML] Traveller: Jack Vance's Magnus Ridolph stories
Kelly St. Clair 14 Mar 2020 19:27 UTC
> 2. Sanatoris Short-Cut (September 1948, P. 113)
I have to wonder, though: did gambling /ever/ actually work the way
Vance describes it in this story? I get that 1948 is before
closed-circuit TV and omnisurveillance, but I have to imagine that even
then, if a customer tried to openly film or photograph a gaming machine
in operation, or put an obvious physical mark on it to gauge the speed
of rotation, casino security would be on him /instantly/ and he would be
(at a minimum, and that's if it /wasn't/ just a front for organized
crime) escorted off the premises.
Kelly St. Clair