Looking for David Drazul Jeff Zeitlin (27 Feb 2020 00:47 UTC)
Re: [TML] Looking for David Drazul Timothy Collinson (27 Feb 2020 06:45 UTC)
Re: [TML] Looking for David Drazul Brett Kruger (27 Feb 2020 06:48 UTC)

Looking for David Drazul Jeff Zeitlin 27 Feb 2020 00:47 UTC

They say that dead men tell no tales, but one specific "DED" man has in
fact told a tale that I've started to read and enjoy several times, but
never managed to finish because of repeatedly misplacing the trade
paperback. I'd very much appreciate it if someone could provide me
(off-list) with a way of contacting him (I thought he was on the list, but
I don't seem to find any postings from him).

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