Re: [TML] Rules for fleshing out balkanized worlds?
Phil Pugliese 03 May 2014 17:02 UTC
On Sat, 5/3/14, Carlos <> wrote:
Subject: Re: [TML] Rules for fleshing out balkanized worlds?
Date: Saturday, May 3, 2014, 9:25 AM
ObTrav: It is sooooo easy to
offend local sensibilities when you land on an unfamiliar
This reminds me another RL incident.
I had the same direct supervisor at work for about 21 years (incl time as a 'student-aide').
He was fully bilingual (spanish/english) & had some relatives who lived in Mexico.
One day he told me about a distant cousin who had visited Spain (he made a point of the fact that this guy had attended a very prestigious University if Mexico).
Apparently he was engaged in some friendly, idle conversation w/ some of the locals, when all of sudden, one of them went berzerk & tried to attack him.
my boss: "he said that a bunch of guys had to hold him back"!
my boss: "he said, I don't know *what* I said that could've gotten him so mad"!