-------------------------------------------- On Fri, 5/2/14, Carlos <xxxxxx@gmail.com> wrote: Subject: Re: [TML] Rules for fleshing out balkanized worlds? To: xxxxxx@simplelists.com Date: Friday, May 2, 2014, 1:19 PM On Fri, May 2, 2014 at 7:59 PM, Timothy Collinson <xxxxxx@port.ac.uk> wrote: But I'm not sure I'd worry too much about them being very interrelated. You're right, it might be 'unlikely' to have the situation you describe above, but of such is the nature of humans (and/or aliens) living in close proximity and of such stuff are adventures made as you explain the situation. For the one above, how about a recently 'discovered' population of primitives living underground that the main population leave to their own devices bar some 'study'? Or holovid entertainment? Yes, I see the point of leaving room for completely random new countries and interpreting the data. But I was thinking along the lines of determining the "main powers" first, the ones which dominate the planet, and leaving the minor ones unspecified for a while. If you come up with two dominant powers, and then one turns out to have lower tech and lower pop than the other, it is hard to see how it can be a main power, it would be swallowed up. One Hi Tech, Low Pop and one Low Tech, Hi Pop, sure. In your example, I would say the primitives are a minor player. Of course, one should leave room for unlikely events in state generation, but they should be... well, unlikely. Hm. OTOH, if you take alien races into the mix... "The world of SharpContrast is dominated by two major states. The Federation of Liliput has a population of 100 million at TL A, while the Kingdom of Gigantia has a population of 5,000 sophonts at TL 7. Of course, the raw statistics obscure the fact that the average weight of a Liliputian is just 3 kg, while Gigantians are massive moving flesh mountains with an average weight of 1000 tons. In the last Liliput-Gigantia War, a Gigantian squad rolled over a quarter of the Liliputian population before the Liliputian Grav Force could strike them down. An armistice followed." Carlos Alos-Ferrer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Consider the number of worlds in the 'Marches that have a minor pop of 'Chirpers'. I think they would fit right in with this. In fact, wasn't it CT-Adv2 that took place on Vanejen(?), which was a world originally settled by 1stImp Vilani but still retained a small pop of 'Chirpers'? I don't recall if there are any worlds w/ full-fledged (w/ ability to caste) Droyne minorities but there are few that are all Droyne...