Re: [TML] Low Tech Waterproof Container
Kurt Feltenberger 10 Dec 2019 00:29 UTC
On 12/9/2019 11:19 AM, Phil Pugliese - philpugliese at (via
tml list) wrote:
> Don't forget that it was found inside a wreck.
> That implies that it was not originally packed with the idea of
> creating a time capsule but just to insure that it was arrive safely
> to wherever it was intended.
> As far as 'major' status is confirmed, I seriously doubt that any
> one-system culture will ever be accepted as 'major' when it's still so
> minor.
> Doesn't mean they can't start 'woof'n' like the Geonee have been known
> to do!
It's all about the conspiracy...
Kurt Feltenberger
“Before today, I was scared to live, after today, I'm scared I'm not living enough." - Me