Re: [TML] CT LBB 2 1977, 1981 Computer question
Rupert Boleyn 26 Oct 2019 00:22 UTC
On 26Oct2019 0554, Phil Pugliese (via tml list) wrote:
> It seems that most of the ship designs that GDW published have a
> little 'something' in them that doesn't quite jibe, doesn't it?
> Frankly, I've never noticed that little glitch. Anyway, it's easy to
> fix; If you're like me wrt computer & max jump capability, just
> redesign the Scout w/ a Model/2 or a Model/1bis. p.s. The discrepancy
> can then be 'rationalized' as a pre-prub typo or transcription
> error.
That would be the obvious fix, and it's the model that the Type S was
given in the 2nd edition (though that edition added the rule about model
limiting jump range, so it had to be fixed anyway).
Rupert Boleyn <>