I've had a submission for In A Store Near You for a robot. The author has
provided plenty of useful textual description, but as he does not normally
use Traveller rules for robots, there are no stats included. While I could
run the article as-is, having some sort of guidelines for stats, cost,
etc., would be nice. I therefore provide the summary description below, and
ask if someone would be so kind as to work up some stats for Classic, Mega,
t4, t5, Mongoose (either revision), or Cepheus Engine. (The author says
that he uses Star Frontiers for robots in Traveller. I've asked him for the
SF stats, just in case they'll help.)
The robots are spheres, approximately the size of a human head or
basketball, that hover at or just above head level and slightly behind the
owner. They are incapable of manipulating objects; they are personal
assistants in the informational and communication sense, with functions
customized for intended use. They are non-sophont but have limited autonomy
and intelligence (more than mere "expert systems"), communicating with
their owners via commdots, heads-up displays, and other largely discreet
methods, but can also speak audibly as needed, or link into the local
communications infrastructure if sufficiently high-tech to allow
communication with an office, hospital, law enforcement, etc. They can be
equipped with a variety of sensors, depending on their intended function,
and may also be equipped with holographic projectors.
Standard use packages include Threat Detection (chemsniffers, NAS, etc.),
translation and protocol, medical monitor, holograhic presentation (e.g.,
the sort of thing that a junior executive uses a laptop, projector, and
PowerPoint for), secretary/nomenclator.
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infringe or devalue the trademark.
Jeff Zeitlin, Editor
Freelance Traveller
The Electronic Fan-Supported Traveller® Resource
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enterprises for hosting services:
onCloud/CyberWeb Enterprises (http://www.oncloud.io)
The Traveller Downport (http://www.downport.com)