Re: [TML] Has the list finally died the True Death?
Jeff Zeitlin 03 Oct 2019 23:07 UTC
On Wed, 2 Oct 2019 19:41:46 -0700, "Vareck Bostrom (via tml list)"
<> wrote:
>On Oct 2, 2019, at 3:47 PM, Jeff Zeitlin <> wrote:
>> As far as "only so much... in its base form", well, this is also a good
>> place to toss out and discuss Doing It Your Way - or Doing It Someone
>> Else's Way. I'd love to see threads on (say) Travellerizing the Liaden
>> Universe, or the Vattaverse, or the Jao Empire universe, or Can The Special
>> Corps (from the Stainless Steel Rat series) Be Imported Into A Traveller
>> Universe, And What Would Its Career Tables And Chargen Look Like?. And
>> that's just off the top of my head. I'm sure that if I announced the desire
>> to do a Religion In Traveller Theme Issue, we could get some relevant
>> discussions going here, which in turn might inspire people to write
>> articles for the Theme Issue
>(as a test of embedded images to see how it will look in the archive)
I believe that the list is set to strip images and other attachments. We'd
need a consensus to ask Listmom to change that, and even that might not be
in the cards, depending on the SimpleLists software and TOS.
At any rate, I got indications that there had been images, but they weren't
rendered, even when I told my mail reader to render them.
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