"Called" Pattern Dancing?
Jeff Zeitlin 11 Apr 2019 01:09 UTC
Most of the Americans on this list - and probably a good number of the
non-Americans, if my limited research is any indication - are familiar with
the Square Dance, where groups of four couples dance particular
steps/maneuvers that are "called" by a (most usually) non-dancing 'caller'.
The square dance developed out of earlier 'pattern dances', some of which
any members who have spent time as members of the Society for Creative
Anachronism will be familiar with. However, my experience with the latter
suggests that the SCA pattern dances are only 'called' while you're being
taught; there isn't a phenomenon like the 'called' square dance.
On the other hand, the SCA has been known to Get It Wrong, and so have I. I
therefore invoke the TML Brain Trust: What sort of pattern dances are you
familiar with/aware of, and are any of them 'called'? Do you have
references that I can read further on?
(This is for a potential article for Kurishdam/Games People Play, so once I
have some information, I'm going to also Make Shit Up.)
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