Re: [TML] Need more stuff...
Jeff Zeitlin 24 Mar 2019 20:45 UTC
On Sat, 23 Mar 2019 23:24:16 -0400, Joelle Clark <>
>Hi Jeff,
>When is your deadline? I can certainly get a couple of recipes in for the
>cook book and who knows in service to the Empire, I may be able to put a
>article or column together.
As I said yesterday, the target date for release is April 27/28, but the
sooner material comes in, the better.
In general, the target for release is the last weekend of the month before
the cover date - that is, the last weekend in December for
January/February, the last weekend of February for March/April, the last
weekend of April for May/June, and so on. If need be, or if the first of
the month is a Saturday, I can go a week later than my target - but don't
count on it.
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Jeff Zeitlin, Editor
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