Need more stuff... Jeff Zeitlin (24 Mar 2019 02:05 UTC)
Re: [TML] Need more stuff...
B Kruger
(24 Mar 2019 02:34 UTC)
Re: [TML] Need more stuff...
Jeff Zeitlin
(24 Mar 2019 03:08 UTC)
Re: [TML] Need more stuff...
Joelle Clark
(24 Mar 2019 03:24 UTC)
Re: [TML] Need more stuff...
Jeff Zeitlin
(24 Mar 2019 20:45 UTC)
Re: [TML] Need more stuff...
Cian Witherspoon
(25 Mar 2019 04:27 UTC)
Re: [TML] Need more stuff...
Timothy Collinson
(02 Apr 2019 09:42 UTC)
... for the next issue of Freelance Traveller. Pretty much any department that you'd like to see more of is of interest - I'm _really_ scraping bottom, and if contributions fall off, I'm going to have to _cut the size_ of each issue - and I _don't_ want to do that (having to do so is really a horrible thought...). One department that _really_ could use some love is "Traveller by the Byte". That's where you talk about a Traveller program you've written, and provide the source code for it, for folks to cut-and-paste from the issue into their favorite editor/IDE, and save and run it. (You can also post it publicly for download, e.g., at GitHub [or your own site, or wherever], but we'll be doing that, too, when a particular issue's articles go up on the web.) The only constraint on the language(s) used is that interpreters or compilers must be available free, and on Windows (Windows 7 or later), Linux, and MacOS X. Availability for mobile systems (iOS and Android) is nice, too, but Your Humble Editor has a bias toward desktop systems. Ideally, source code is provided in textual format, rather than in a particular structured format for a particular interpreter/compiler; we really goofed on that one with the APL source in the one TbtB article that we have. That means, for example, that if you were to provide the code for a GW-BASIC program, you should SAVE "progname",A rather than just SAVE "PROGNAME" - the ,A says to save it as ASCII - text, rather than the internal tokenized format. Other departments that are a little thin are Kurishdam (all sections) and The Lab Ship; I'd also like to see some new fiction for Raconteurs' Rest. Critics' Corner and Less Dangerous Game sort of look like they're becoming the 'private playground' of a few authors; that was never my intent, and I'd like to see what other people think of various Traveller products, past, present, and future. My own list of items to review is getting so long - and doing so faster than I can write - that I know I will _never_ catch up... Critics' Corner has two subsections that don't receive a lot of love: Other People's Toys, where a non-Traveller gaming product that you've mined for use with Traveller can be reviewed; and Off the Table, where fiction you've read that 'has a Traveller vibe' can be reviewed. Off the Table can also potentially be for audio and video media with the 'Traveller vibe', too! Columns are somewhat thematically-linked series of articles discussing whatever Traveller-related topics the columnist desires; while they should provide food for thought to others, they're not necessarily focussed on "here's something specific that you can use in your play" - that's the kind of thing that goes in other departments, especially The Prep Room and Doing It My Way (which can also use some more material). The Freelance Traveller Cookbook started out conceptually as a simple recipe-sharing center, but when I got diagnosed as a diabetic, I decided that it should also be other food-and-gaming related issues, like my own article on Gaming with Diabetes. Articles on accommodating other dietary restrictions would be of interest, too. Adventures are _always_ good - and if you're running a campaign, "serializing" it into a collection of adventures would be great, too. If you're into "one-shots", ideal for conventions or just the occasional irregularly-scheduled get-together, those are useful as well. Got a favorite adventure novel or series of novels? Feel free to file the serial numbers off and turn it into an adventure or campaign. ®Traveller is a registered trademark of Far Future Enterprises, 1977-2018. Use of the trademark in this notice and in the referenced materials is not intended to infringe or devalue the trademark. -- Jeff Zeitlin, Editor Freelance Traveller The Electronic Fan-Supported Traveller® Resource Freelance Traveller extends its thanks to the following enterprises for hosting services: onCloud/CyberWeb Enterprises ( The Traveller Downport (