I've always thought that it should be SOP that when a fleet leaves a system w/ an A-C starport, or a naval or scout base, it would pretty much automatically use drop tanks in order to arrive 'wherever' w/ full tanks. I could see this as allowing the Corridor Fleet, for example, to reinforce the Spinward Marches much faster esp by making 'void' jumps possible  which would allow the fleet to more often use it's full jump rating on each jump.

From: Postmark (via tml list) <xxxxxx@simplelists.com>
To: xxxxxx@simplelists.com
Sent: Sunday, May 6, 2018 3:26 AM
Subject: Re: [TML] Mixed bag of thoughts

On 6 May 2018, at 04:44, Phil Pugliese (via tml list) <xxxxxx@simplelists.com> wrote:
> Even more thoughts!
> Jump Bridges:
> J4 is servicible only by exploitable fuel sources or by one use tankers (which sounds like a military decision), while J5 and 6 cannot deliver their own one way fuel usage

Not strictly true: if Alpha and Beta are 12 parsecs apart, Alpha can maintain a J6 route to Beta, using a J2 tanker route to supply it.

Then, of course, there is always the option to allow drop tanks...

> Information brokering: the commercial advantages of J4+, and somewhat less so J3, in a universe served primarily by J1 and J2 freighters, are not in moving cargo quickly - its in moving information.

Possibly, possibly not.

In some systems the use of such information might be illegal - treated like insider trading.

Philip Kitching

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