It'd be helpful to know how this: should look (while remaining projected onto a sphere). I wasn't expecting to end up with a pentagram at the top of the world but I never really thought about it beyond casually before. 

if you can post a picture showing where the hex boarders should be, when related to a globe, that'd be very helpful. There are several approaches to it but I lose something out of each one, either the edges of the hexes cannot remain north-south aligned, or I have to make huge "filler" hexes as I've done here which also has the effect of "squishing" hexes or stretching them in the north-south direction. 

-------- Original Message --------
On February 14, 2018 3:58 PM, Evyn MacDude <> wrote:

On Wed, Feb 14, 2018 at 11:55 AM, Caleuche <> wrote:
I don't have ArcGIS and won't buy a license for it for this. Math is fine, though. I'm interested in what other people use to do this but for my own purposes I'd rather write the projection conversions myself rather than use prebuilt software to do it.

Check. I really wasn't trying to sell ARCgis, it is just one of the more common GIS tools, plug-ins look fairly easy to write, but I haven't rummaged around under it's hood in years.

So I suppose I'm looking more for the math behind it than a program that does it in a black box sort of way. (and ideally a mathematica, matlab or maple notebook)

The math is pretty straight forward, but I tend to approximate a lot with game maps. The last time I pondered the question Spherical Trigonometry pretty much answer the conversion between a sphere and a Icosahedral projection. Great Circle Maths help as well, but its all the same camp.

Honestly For world mapping in game terms I pretty much use Fractal Terrains, It gives me all the rough bits, from which I can process the finished map in the image editor or Illustration program of my choice.



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