Are worlds wealthy cuz' they're hi-tech or are they hi-tech cuz' they're wealthy?Or both? Or neither?What came first, the hi-tech or the wealth?
From: Caleuche <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Sunday, February 11, 2018 11:56 PM
Subject: Re: [TML] The meaning of world tech level
If you consider worlds in the imperium to be equivalent to cities in a nation (as trade is just about as easy), that doesn't quite hold up. New York City is by no means poor, and it doesn't have the technical infrastructure to manufacture iPhones, but it is awash in them. It can't manufacture them in part because it is so not-poor: it's much cheaper to manufacture them somewhere else. Even in the poorest cities in the world police still carry TL8 (or maybe TL7) sidearms rather than crossbows.When (in game) we land on a wealthy population 9 world that is TL4, what should we expect to see, or is in your view a wealthy, high population low tech world a contradiction in terms?-------- Original Message --------On February 11, 2018 10:33 PM, Rupert Boleyn wrote:On 12Feb2018 1812, Phil Pugliese (via tml list) wrote:I've generally thought of TL differences as more of a cost/avail multiplier than anything else.It also reflects the wealth of a world. Poor worlds are low-TL becausethey can't support/pay for high TL stuff (including plant to make highTL stuff), and at the same time being low TL makes you poor.This makes supporting high TL military units doubly hard - not only doyou have to pay to important all their kit, their kit's spare parts,their kit's maintenance people, and the troops' trainers, at moreexpense than they'd cost if they were local, but you have to do so outof a smaller budget.This also explains why worlds might not import the outright 'best' gearthey can, such as a TL6 world importing TL15 gear. If there's a nearbyTL12 world and the TL15 gear would come from further away theconsiderable extra expanse for the TL15 gear vs. the TL12 stuff mightmake it simply not worth it.Rupert Boleyn xxxxxx@gmail.comChief Assistant to the Assistant ChiefThe Traveller Mailing ListArchives at Report problems to xxxxxx@simplelists.comTo unsubscribe from this list please go to----- The Traveller Mailing List Archives at Report problems to To unsubscribe from this list please go to ----- The Traveller Mailing List Archives at Report problems to To unsubscribe from this list please go to cApOz9iiqi898Eb3etQR6zXwBhUETG nX