Comparing modern trade to Traveller trade models is like comparing the Pacific Islands to the Mediterranean - same general idea, completely different conditions.
Let's take New York. Current trade uses Faster Than Travel Communications (Radio, Cell Phones, Internet) to exchange information on goods and materials. Import/Export regulations, other regulations, and price of labor, drive manufacturing to the most cost-efficient locale.
Now, let's take New York, and modify the model to reflect Traveller.
Radio, cell phones, internet, they all work within... Oh, let's say 20 miles of the geographic center of NYC. You want something from within that circle, you can get easy. At the 20 mile limit, there's a wall. You want to go elsewhere? You have to go through the wall. Need to order something from beyond the wall? Somebody needs to carry the order form and cash through the wall.
Oh, and when you go through the wall? You spend a week in an RV that has a 53' trailer welded to the back. (Interestingly, a 53' trailer is a titch under 9 dtons). And you have only what you brought with you.
Now, let's get those Chinese iphones...

On February 12, 2018, at 12:54 AM, "Phil Pugliese (via tml list)" <> wrote:

Rupert Boleyn <> wrote;
"When it comes down to it, TL in a UWP basically means "The highest TL stuff a Traveller will find at roughly list prices and availability"

That's basically what I meant when I posted my 'I've generally thought of TL differences as more of a cost/avail multiplier than anything else' comment but yours makes it much more clearly.

From: Rupert Boleyn <>
Sent: Monday, February 12, 2018 12:05 AM
Subject: Re: [TML] The meaning of world tech level

On 12Feb2018 1956, Caleuche wrote:
> If you consider worlds in the imperium to be equivalent to cities in
> a nation (as trade is just about as easy), that doesn't quite hold
> up. New York City is by no means poor, and it doesn't have the
> technical infrastructure to manufacture iPhones, but it is awash in
> them. It can't manufacture them in part because it is so not-poor:
> it's much cheaper to manufacture them somewhere else. Even in the
> poorest cities in the world police still carry TL8 (or maybe TL7)
> sidearms rather than crossbows.

Trade is cheaper and easier here than in the TU, though. Also, I wasn't
trying to justify why the TU has such massive TL differences in an
entity that's over a thousand years old, with most of that time spent
with no external avenue for expansion. I consider that a different (and
much harder) question to answer.

Also, some things probably are worth importing, and if you import enough
and have the techs to maintain them locally, you're really at that TL.
Manufacturing isn't all a TL represents (and I'm sorry if my previous
post implied that I meant that). When it comes down to it, TL in a UWP
basically means "The highest TL stuff a Traveller will find at roughly
list prices and availability", just as Law Level means "What weapons are
freely carry-able and how much the local law will harass you".

> When (in game) we land on a wealthy population 9 world that is TL4,
> what should we expect to see, or is in your view a wealthy, high
> population low tech world a contradiction in terms?

I think to a large extent it is. Striker and TCS tend to agree, with
lower TL worlds having weaker credits or worse incomes.

Rupert Boleyn <>
Chief Assistant to the Assistant Chief
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