I have resumed transcription. I am slowly working my way through the TTT version of Iphigenaia (Dark River), a totally non-Canon sector. I am also looking at the Marischal SubSector, which appeared in two publications. The first printing was in "The Wanderer, Issue 2" the second and last issue of a British fanzine published in 1980. The second printing was the Cargonaut Press(?) version, entitled "A Travellers Guide to the Marischal Subsector", which is going to be a longer term project. The information I have consist of a map/UWP table both of which use a very non-standard format and from the appearance come from the Cargonaut Press(?) version.
It's pretty clearly a multi-polity map with four 'political' capitals but also with an Imperial(?) subsector capital and Imperial(?) bases across the whole subsector. But the UWP table does not list allegiance codes. I'm also making the guess that the lines printed on the map mark out shipping/trading routes rather than X-boat routes. I did manage to locate a picture of what appears to be the front cover of 'The Wanderer, issue 2" at the Noble Knight Games page and the stellar positions shown on the cover do not completely match the Cargonaut Press(?) version (See: https://resources.nobleknight.com/Catalog/Images/240/240/0/1/0/wanderer2.jpg).
I therefore speculate that the original map was drawn out on ordinary hex paper without using a TAS Form 6 and was re-organized to fit onto a Form 6 for the later printing, this might also explain the language "between the large and important Wing III and Davisen" subsectors that Timothy mentioned as being on the later printing.
I've contacted Timothy on the off chance he had a copy of the magazine version and he has indicated that he probably does not and given that the only copy I know of has a three figure price tag (The later version does not appear in any of the Apocrypha collections.), so I am making this post. I'll probably repost this to the COTI forum later.
What I am trying to clear up is:
1. Am I dealing with an Imperial subsector, an Imperial Border subsector or something else entirely?
2. Given the high number of '6' government codes on the map, who controls what? and what are they called (eg is the polity given a specific name or is it just a single world)?
3. Are there any significant differences between the magazine & Cargonaut Press(?) version other than the system positions?
I know some of these answers can come from the later printing but comparisons between the two versions would be very helpful in sorting things out.