From: Rupert Boleyn <>
Sent: Thursday, January 25, 2018 5:57 PM
Subject: Re: [TML] Meson Guns CT vs MT vs etc.

On 26Jan2018 1229, Catherine Berry wrote:

> One thing that I recall being mentioned somewhere -- maybe on this list --
> is that one would imagine that, especially early on, the powers enforcing
> the isolation of this system would concentrate heavily on making sure that
> the robots didn't capture a working J-drive. Canon already tells us that
> getting a working example allows for quick replication. It may be that the
> robots would ignore such an opportunity; it may also be they'd be boiling
> out into the galaxy on a crusade against everyone else a year later. Not
> the sort of risk you want to take. Thus it's surprising to the point of
> jaw-dropping that the Vilani were so willing to land ships there once they
> figured out most of what was going on.

I would assume that the 'ships' landed had no jump drives, and their
parent vessels were in high orbit, out of meson gun range.

Rupert Boleyn <>


True, but, the landers would still have to 'dodge' numerous meson 'shots' & using the CT HG tables that would seem so very unlikely.

So, would anyone care to comment on the combat rules wrt meson guns in any of the Post-CT versions?
Were there any significant changes?