On 1/23/2018 9:04 PM, Caleuche wrote:
The max tech level by Allegiance, for what it's worth, from
the TravellerMap data for OTU sectors:
17 Third Imperium, Domain of Antares
IIRC, this is Sabmiquays (sp?), a world that is Red Zoned and really
shouldn't count.
Anyone that goes there is never, ever heard from again!
Yep, the list with all red and amber zone worlds removed for allegiances that are at least TL 14 - the imperium still seems heavily favored over anyone else.
16 Darrian Confederation
16 Third Imperium, Domain of Sylea
16 Third Imperium, Domain of Deneb
16 Aslan Hierate, Tlaukhu control, Seieakh (9), Akatoiloh (18), We'okunir (29)
15 United Followers of Augurgh
15 Empire of Varroerth
15 Client state, Two Thousand Worlds
15 Non-Aligned, Human-dominated
15 Third Imperium, Domain of Gateway
15 Third Imperium, Luriani Cultural Association
15 Hive Federation
15 Third Imperium, Domain of Ilelish
15 Third Imperium, Lancian Cultural Region
15 Third Imperium, Domain of Vland
15 Third Imperium, Sylean Worlds
15 Third Imperium, Domain of Antares
15 Julian Protectorate, Hegemony of Lorean
15 Third Imperium, Domain of Sol
15 Solomani Confederation, Bootean Federation
14 Ngath Confederation
14 Oleaiy'fte
14 Iyeaao'fte
14 Tealou Arlaoh
14 Windhorn Pact of Two
14 Akhstuti
14 People of Wanz
14 Glorious Empire
14 Florian League
14 Zhodani Consulate, Jadlapriants Province
14 Aslan Hierate, Tlaukhu control, Ikhtealyo (8), Tlerfearlyo (20), Yehtahikh (24)
14 Aslan Hierate, Tlaukhu control, Hlyueawi (6), Isoitiyro (15)
14 Third Imperium, Vegan Autonomous District
14 Irrgh Manifest
14 Dzarrgh Federate
14 Lair Protectorate
14 Llaeghskath Interacterate
14 Dienbach Grüpen
14 Solomani Confederation, Kostov Confederate Republic
14 Voekhaeb Society
14 Antares Pact
14 17th Disjucture
14 Opposition Alliance
14 Julian Protectorate, Commonwealth of Mendan
14 Solomani Confederation, Reformed Dootchen Estates
14 Aslan Hierate, Zodia clan
14 Aslan Hierate, Tlaukhu control, Syoisuis (3)
14 Aslan Hierate, Tlaukhu control, Yerlyaruiwo (1), Hrawoao (13), Eisohiyw (14), Ferekhearl (19)
14 Aslan Hierate, Tlaukhu control, Eakhtiyho (5), Eteawyolei' (11), Fteweyeakh (23)
14 Cytralin Unity
14 Commonality of Kedzudh
14 40th Squadron
14 Worlds of Leader Rukh
14 Pact of Gaerr
14 Loyal Nineworlds Republic
14 Federation of Heron
14 Glimmerdrift Federation
14 Zhodani Consulate, Colonnade Province
14 Salinaikin Concordance
14 Zhodani Consulate, Iadr Nsobl Province
14 Aslan Hierate, Tlaukhu control, Uiktawa (7), Iykyasea (17), Faowaou (27)
14 Non-Aligned, Vargr-dominated
14 Aslan Hierate, Tlaukhu control, Khauleairl (2), Estoieie' (16), Toaseilwi (22)
14 Gerontocracy of Ormine
14 Aslan Hierate, single one-world clan dominates
14 Solomani Confederation, Wuan Technology Association
14 Third Imperium, Amec Protectorate
14 Client state, Third Imperium
14 Julian Protectorate, Rukadukaz Republic
14 Julian Protectorate
14 Julian Protectorate, Asimikigir Confederation
14 Julian Protectorate, Alliance of Ozuvon
14 Solomani Confederation, Consolidation of Turin
14 Solomani Confederation, Third Reformed French Confederate Rebublic
14 Solomani Confederation
14 Non-Aligned, Aslan-dominated
14 Aslan Hierate, Tlaukhu control, Aokhalte (10), Sahao' (21), Ouokhoi (26)
14 Aslan Hierate, single multiple-world clan dominates
14 Aslan Hierate, multiple clans split control
14 Aslan Hierate, vassal clan dominates
14 Aslan Hierate, Tlaukhu vassal clan dominates