In Mathematica, there is the Interval[] item so you can treat interval data as an actual Interval. I'm sure there's some way to do that with spreadsheets but I'm not sure what the operator is for that. I tried doing this with a spreadsheet before, but gave up and just started using Mathematica because:
1) I can quickly fetch all of the data through the API, and 
2) it's helpful to have a SQL or SQL-ish query language on top of the data. 

What are you looking at statically in the imperium? I started looking at some of the data before, but life got in the way. 

And naturally, you need to appropriately plan your invasion of the imperium with such data (hi pop, military "importance" by arbitrary metric); 


Don't forget to plot your TL8 spinward marches worlds! 


-------- Original Message --------
On January 17, 2018 4:12 PM, Ethan Henry <> wrote:

I took the PBG number into account but I just took the low end of the scale - as you note, I take Tenalphi as 60M instead of the middle of the range at 65M.
It would be easy enough to tweak the formula in the Population column and copy/paste it to use the middle of the range rather than the bottom.

On Wed, Jan 17, 2018 at 4:03 PM, Caleuche <> wrote:
It's interesting, I get slightly different numbers. For example, in the spinward marches I get a population count of Interval[{92,559,896,270, 123,188,731,073}] at TL8 or lower. Are you accounting for the "PBG" population modifier? For example Junidy in the Spinward Marches should have a population between 30,000,000,000 and 39,999,999,999. 

You do mention Tenalphi has a population of 60 million (that is, 60 million to 69,999,999), so you do account for the pop modifier, but when computing the statistics do you treat that 60-69.9 million as an interval, or just take the lowest value? 

I get the current total population of the Imperium (Allegiance code = Im*) as 18,049,041,349,210 to 21,832,723,838,665. Far from being 11,000 worlds, I count 8988 worlds. This with the travellermap API scraped as of about 20 minutes ago. 

Interesting work, thanks! 

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