Evening from a windy WA Timothy,

Added to my wish list, thank you for the update.

Tom Rux

On December 29, 2017 at 9:10 AM Timothy Collinson <xxxxxx@port.ac.uk> wrote:

Just in time for Holiday and celebrating the founding of the Imperium, March Harrier Publishing is proud to announce the publication of Stephen J. Ellis'  _Eve of Rebellion_.


I know of no other published Traveller adventure like it in that the PCs are anything but average Joes making their way in the rough and tumble of life.  Here they are the very highest level - Emperor Strephon, his daughter,  nephews,  advisors.  Can you take this on and prevent the Imperium descending into Rebellion? 

You may recall me enthusing about it in my After Action report for TravCon14

and I'm delighted it's been finally possible to release it to a wider audience.


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