On Fri, Dec 29, 2017 at 3:46 PM, Niels Kobschaetzki <xxxxxx@kobschaetzki.net> wrote:

Is there any character generation in Traveller (we play 2nd Edition
Mongoose) that allows this? 
Or at least some kind of modification that
bring characteristics and skills of some chosen profession closer

I really haven't played out character gen in MgT 2nd. In 1st edition the connection rules and the groups skill package did a lot to round out characters.

A house rule we have been playing with is throwing 14 dice for characteristics and discarding the two lowest. then arraigning the remain in to pairs and distributed as the player wishes. This has lead to slightly higher than average characters.
Maybe a character generation that isn't that randomized?

Again 1st edition had a point buy system.
P.s.: I have no problem with the lifepath generation and find it great.
But several of my players have a real problem with it. The cop was
pretty useless most of the time and not having a Vacc Suit skill gave
him certain severe disadvantages.

This is where the group skills starts to shine. Though the classic Traveller answer is the liberal assignment of Zero Level skills required for the adventure.
The space marine hates it that pretty
much everybody is better in shooting than him, even though he has
several weapon skills and even higher skills than others but his Dex -1
reduces a skill of 2 more or less to 1. And the scout has Dex +1 or +2
and one weapon skill on 1 and is therefore a pretty good shot already

This is specifically a MgT answer, Look at the Augmentation rules. I have allowed Characters with sub-average characteristics to acquire Aguments in character create through liberal application of the medical debt rules. (Note I have often given "Space Marines"  and the like to have a standard set of cybernetic implants.

Also you might allow the Marine to use characteristics other than Dex for an number of Firearms related goodness. I mean a long distance aimed shot is more about applying the skill you have than how fast you can do it. (Note the best Marine Machine Gunner I knew was a total klutz, he couldn't walk accross a cluttered hanger deck without hurting himself, unless he had his M60 in hand).

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