More seriously, if the descendants of _Eohippus spp_ proved suitable, then I am sure the descendants of _Canis spp_ could be made to do so as well!


Kenneth Barns   MB BS  BSc  FACRRM (Emergency)
GP and Clinical Director, UQ HealthCare Ipswich
Senior Medical Officer / Rural Generalist (Emergency), Beaudesert Hospital
Senior Lecturer (Medicine in Society), Rural Clinical School, University of Queensland
email:  (preferred contact)
Mobile: +61 4 5957 2825 / 04 5957 2825
Fax (work): +61 7 3381 1809 / 07 3381 1809

On 15 December 2017 at 11:23, Kelly St. Clair <> wrote:
On 12/14/2017 5:20 PM, Jeff Zeitlin wrote:
Simple question, straight up: Is it plausible that canids (or
xenopseudocanids) of some sort could be domesticated and bred up to a size
that would make them usable as cavalry mounts?

I think one major concern is, "would their spines be suitable for it?"

Kelly St. Clair

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