A brave colleague was up for offering some honest feedback on my blurb for See How They Run. "It's very boring."
Well, I guess, in an effort not to over egg the pudding, I did keep it fairly bland. But then I also thought that was in keeping with the whole point of the adventure which was to see 'normal' Zho traders - who just happen to be psionic - in relatively normal settings and trading etc. And see how they might react to natural disasters (the collapse), man-made disasters like the sentencing of poor old Stinford Glass, and human disasters such as the crew of the Ganymede Express. In fact, if I've not said so before, I suspect there's a spin off adventure in there in offering the latter as PCs at a convention where their bad luck and poor choices are played up.
Anyway, I've tweaked the description although nothing's changed internally.