Hello Peter Berghold,
After thirty-eight or thirty-nine years, I was stationed at Pearl Harbor when CT LBBs came out in 1977, I've been associated with Traveller in its variants the conclusion I've drawn is that A, B, and C class ports have both orbital and ground installations. The orbital and ground facilities are the best and biggest for Class A ports. A Class B port the orbital facilities are not as good or big as those for Class A. A Class B ground facility is probably the equivalent of those for a Class A. Class C orbital and ground facilities are smaller than either Class A or Class B.
Class D probably has a basic orbital facility that dock shuttles that move everything from orbit to ground facilities and back again. This port might be or was the systems spaceport.
Robert Buettner's book "Overkill" describes what I now think of as a Traveller Class E Starport. Roughly, starships arrive in orbit take on passengers, outbound goods, drop off passengers and inbound goods in modules. Shuttles from the ground facility pick-up and drop off the modules.
Here is how I image things started. On Earth we started out with the ground launch facilities and then built orbital facilities. As we expanded into the system the orbital facilities became up ports with the ground facilities becoming down ports. As more time passed beam stalks linked the orbital facilities with the ground facilities. The ground facilities are the hubs from which passengers and materials leave or enter the planet.
Colonies start out with the ship or ships either landing on or orbiting the planet to build the facilities as time progresses they eventually wind up with the facilities best suited for the world.
Frontier/fringe worlds may just have a ground facility that a starship either lands at or their small craft make round trips. They may have their own shuttles.
Tom Rux
From: "Peter Berghold" <xxxxxx@gmail.com>
To: "TML" <xxxxxx@simplelists.com>
Sent: Sunday, August 27, 2017 12:59:14 PM
Subject: Re: [TML] Looking for a word to replace "General Aviation"
Of that list "General Starport Services" is currently on the top of my list. "General Down Port (Ground) Services" would work if there is no up port facility. There's a topic for another discussion. For Starport types A,B and C I have been mulling over in my mind would an up port facility be the rule or the exception? Methinks the volume of traffic would dictate that. On the other hand in my (not so Traveller) universe up port starports connected to the ground via "bean stalk" or space elevator were developed first and down port came much later.
Afternoon PDT Peter L. Berghold,
Here are a couple thoughts,
General Aerospace Services, General Spacecraft Services, General Starport Services, General Ground Support Services, General Down Port Ground Services, General Starport Ground Services or other similar combinations.
Tom Rux
In some writing I was doing I am describing a portion of star port
where instead of large corporation berthing this area is where non-
corporate ships craft and smaller starships capable of making landfall
would be berthed. This would be every type of berthing from a piece of
tarmack to a walled off area with a lockable gate (hatch?) registered
to the craft's owner.
In today's terms that would be (at least in my mind) the General
Aviation section of an airport.
Anybody have a word that is an equivalent that they use for such?
Right now in the story I'm writing I'm using General Aviation as a
placehodler until I find a better term.
Peter L. Berghold <
Professonally: IT Professional (DevOps, Puppet, Perl...)
Advocations: Dog Training, Beer Brewing, BBQ, Cooking
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