Any 1000+ year old empire would have (highly classified) supply & refuel depots within J-1 of every important system, often within the same hex. There should *be* no truly empty hexes right around such systems.On Wed, Jul 26, 2017 at 11:33 AM, Phil Pugliese (via tml list) <> wrote:
On Tue, 7/25/17, Tim <> wrote:
Subject: Re: [TML] Changing The Jump Drive Limit?
Date: Tuesday, July 25, 2017, 6:59 PM
On Tue, Jul 25, 2017 at 02:50:34AM -0700, Amber
Witherspoon wrote:
> Sorry, I think my
model might have been confusingly worded: you exit
> jumpspace at the 100D limit (as normal
jump drive), but you can land
> further
out with a more difficult astrogation roll. This does lead
> a model where you aim for a planet
outside the system's 1000D entry
limit to shorten the turnaround time.
I was thinking more like aiming for the 100D
limit of the jump port.
That would likely be
based on a 10-100 km iceball outside the system's
1000D limit, and so still gets the benefit of
the easier 100D jump
exit while arriving
less than an hour from the port.
> Interesting implication:
warfare. No matter what, any easy course
> puts you in a position where you can't
immediately run away.
That's the case in almost all existing
Traveller material: an arriving
generally has empty tanks and can't jump out until it
It would be possible to leave a
jump-1 in the tanks at the cost of
strategic mobility, but this isn't done in any
material I have read.
- Tim
------------------------------ -------------------------
That certainly was the way it was in the old GDW 'Fifth Frontier War' boardgame.
But that game used the original rules that mandated that each jump, no matter how far, ALWAYS used up ALL the jump fuel.
By the time the game was published jump governors had been 'discovered' by MM so, unless a fleet was making a maximum jump, there would always be some fuel remaining. Of course, if only J1 was possible & there were no adjacent systems, one would find oneself in an empty hex.
Better make sure you bring along alot of tankers!
p.s. there was mention in the CT adventure 'Twilight's Peak', that, during the Third Frontier War, during the siege of Rhylanor, Zhodani forces seized the adjacent Porozlo system so that they could jump back & forth 'tween the two systems w/o having to refuel. During the Fifth Frontier War they were planning to use Fulacin as a resupply station cuz' Porozlo had acquired a significant # of SDB's. Don't know why that worried them. Those SDB's in the boardgame were only TL10 cuz' that was Porozlo's TL. TL CRT shifts were so severe that even though there were 100 SDB's, they wouldn't have been much of a threat to TL14 Zhodani naval forces. OTOH, Rhylanor had a fleet of 50 TL15 SDB's & those could've done some serious damage all by themselves!
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