On 26 May 2017 23:50, "Jeff Zeitlin" <xxxxxx@freelancetraveller.com> wrote:
On Fri, 26 May 2017 00:35:33 +0000 (UTC), xxxxxx@comcast.net wrote:

>Thank you for the latest update. To bad I'm on the wrong side of the pond.

Agreed, on both counts.

And after reading this, I'm even more firmly convinced that my reply
to your Confession #27 (March/April 2017) was in fact correct.

:-)  thank you

Though I could counter with the conversation the Gvoudzon player had with me at tea break the following morning. He made it very clear that he and the archaeologist player were enjoying it, but it was a social thing more than a gaming thing and I shouldn't expect either of them to want to continue once we've finished The Traveller Adventure. (though at current speed that could be another 8 sessions and 18 more months!) 

But yes, it can't be *terrible*.  ;-) 
