On 6 March 2017 at 15:16, <xxxxxx@comcast.net> wrote:
Hello Timothy,

Thank you for the off the cuff update of TravCon17.

No problem.

If you have can please let the people you ran through the Star Trek game know that they could have done much worse had I one of my characters involved since they tend to have the same luck as those in John Scalzi's book "Redshirts".

Yes, it certainly could have been worse but it was like every time the Klingons fired they'd get 5 or 6 on 1D and everytime the Enterprise took a shot it was a 1.  Till it almost became funny.

We had an interesting discussion in the car on the way home about the merits and demerits of games where there was a high chance of dying and games with much less chance.  It was generally agreed that the former were a bit depressing and some referees known for that were avoided.  But at the same time there needed to be some threat or the tension wasn't there.

So given that in six years of TravCon - and 8 adventures, none of them military admittedly - I've not yet killed a PC - am I setting the bar too low?  How do folk weight such things?
