
Detailed write up in GURPS: Humaniti, but presumably based on some other Traveller material before that.
A quick Google search gives a bit of info.
If you have specific questions, I can pull the book when I get home tonight.


Kenneth Barns   MB BS  BSc  FACRRM (Emergency)
GP and Clinical Director, UQ HealthCare Ipswich
Senior Medical Officer / Rural Generalist (Emergency), Beaudesert Hospital
Senior Lecturer (Medicine in Society), Rural Clinical School, University of Queensland
email:  (preferred contact)
Mobile: +61 4 5957 2825 / 04 5957 2825
Fax (work): +61 7 3381 1809 / 07 3381 1809

On 2 February 2017 at 10:23, Jeff Zeitlin <> wrote:
The Warrant of Restoration explicitly makes _chattel_ slavery illegal
in the Imperium. It had nothing to say about other forms of voluntary
or involuntary servitude. I'm planning an article for Freelance
Traveller on the subject, but there's been some relevant information
nagging at me, without being actually retrievable.

There was an article somewhere about a minor race - I think nonhuman,
but don't remember for sure - where half the race voluntarily entered
a servile relationship with the other half of the race, and the
would-be Social Justice Warriors of the Third Imperium ... how can one
be delicate about 'pissing and moaning'? ... that it was prohibited
slavery. Does anyone recall the article in question, and can an
appropriate pointer be provided?

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