Hello Jonathan Clark,

My dim memory thinks that the THUDD gun or something similar may be T4's Central Supply Catalog and/or Emperor's Arsenal. Unfortunately, I am not sure of which storage bin they are located in and digging through the stacks is not a task I'm up to right now. If I do stumble across the books and remember to look the information is or is not there I will be back with an update.

Tom Rux

From: "Jonathan Clark" <xxxxxx@att.net>
To: "TML" <xxxxxx@simplelists.com>
Sent: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 5:12:10 PM
Subject: [TML] THUDD guns ?

 From the depths of my memory comes a reference to something called a THUDD (?) gun,
designed for making large holes in Battle Dress. IIRC it's basically a small number
of shaped charges on a string - the idea is that they will land and explode in
very short order on the same place. The sequence of explosions on a progressively
weakened area should penetrate armour of even a much high TL than the weapon.

Sadly, my Google searches have failed to turn up more than vague mentions (once I
ploughed through about a million links to what I think are World of Warcraft sites).

Can anyone enlighten me about this weapon? I'm not really after a gearhead definition,
more a description I can build on.

My players are about to observe a battle using these. I haven't quite decided which
side is going to have them. Maybe both...



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