... just in case anyone is interested or needs it, this was my attempt to respond to twitterati saying there was no experience/skill development in Traveller.  In 140 chars:

ummm, p59 of MgT, p420 of T20, p184 GT, p156-159 MMT, p133-134 TNE, p41-43 Players' Man MT, p13-14 Bk4 CT

also: Experience (McMahon Alien Star 81), The Experienced Trav (Ferguson White Dwarf 78) x2....

...Filling in Skills (Mattson Dragon 81), Motivated Trav (Slack White Dwarf 85), Self-Made Trav (Graver ...

...White Dwarf 81), Skill Advancement (Grossman Freelance Trav 09), etc. Etc. Etc.

And I'm not sure I covered it all.
