Tom - Over all I am interested in whether others have read the series and how they feel it would fit in a Traveller game. I see a lot of similarities in how Terrans were supposed to have walked all over the Vilani but as others pointed out canon gives a plague the credit for a large part of that. How about playing out actions on a Vilani world where that plague isn't in effect for [hand wave] reasons? Heck you could do this with an Aslan incursion on a balkanised TL 7 world. Or a new species. The pivot is the realization that a whole world is a pretty big thing to chew on and you -didn't- bring quite enough stuff with you and you are stuck for the duration.Howdy Joseph Paul,
I admit I may not be understanding the post, but IIRC the rough back story is that Terran's developed J-1 to get to the nearest star they needed J-2 capability. To overcome the problem they apparently set-up a refueling station and when they arrived discovered the place was occupied by the Vilani that had J-2 capability. After Terrans blew away Vilani ships at Bernard's Star they used there J-2 capable ships to attack the Terrans home system, thumping them soundly. Unfortunately for the Vilani, they did not understand the Terrans tendency to not taking a thumping from anybody. The Terrans began scouring the solar system for Vilani ships for technology and crash programs to develop technologies better than the Vilani. The Terrans developed at least J-3 drives, better weapons, and tactics that the Vilani mind set could not overcome. Of course the Vilani had other problems which helped the Terrans.
Of course I could also have a faulty memory and be out to lunch.
Tom Rux
-- Joseph Paul By My Hand Designs LLC 4221 N Park Ave Indianapolis, IN 46205 317-931-0561