I would suggest that all of the hydrogen is consumed by the power plant / jump drive and the energy is stored in the capacitor bank to be used for the duration of the jump.
End of jump means that the cap bank is empty (thus the computer can give an estimated [+/-10%] time to end of jump)
The grid that is on the hull would be there to form a magnetic bubble (no hydrogen required) around the ship. This supposition is based on TAS reports of jump space coming into the ship via a breach in the hull and this means that there is a breach in the magnetic bubble. A hydrogen bubble would not allow jump space to enter the hull breach because the hydrogen would fill the room that has the breach in it and thus no intrusion of jump space into the ship would happen.
So the Annic Nova using a solar array to charge its capacitor bank to jump and form a magnetic bubble with its hull grid is not a problem.
The Annic Nova is also unstreamlined, so if it does not have a fuel shuttle it needs another way to "refuel".
A magnetic bubble also explains the jump flash at the beginning and end of the jump by its formation to enter jump space, or its dissolving at the end when the ship emerges from jump space.

In service,
Clifford Linehan
Traveller: The Core Route Projects
®Traveller is a registered trademark of Far Future Enterprises, 1977-2016
On Thu, 19 May 2016 21:14:01 +0000 (UTC) writes:
Hello Richard,

If one believes in that the hydrogen is dumped
around the ship to form a bubble that somehow
is used to open jump space then the Annic Nova's
jump drives have a huge problem to overcome.

The concept that the L-Hyd is converted to energy
which is then directed through a grid forming a
bubble of energy around the hull which somehow
opens jump space the Anni Nova's jump drive
has a different set of huge problems.

I could be wrong but taking a minimum of one
week to a maximum of six weeks does not seem
to be efficient, but then I'm a person that still uses
various sizes of CD music player, a cell phone on the
2G network, and does not own a lap top or something

Tom R

The New York Times
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