I apologize for causing any controversy on this or opening a can of worms of technical discussions ... but GMail shows all of the messages as part of the same thread.

On Apr 21, 2016 3:26 PM, "Freelance Traveller" <xxxxxx@freelancetraveller.com> wrote:
I've been ill the past almost-a-week, and sat down today to catch up on
the TML. When I looked at the 74 new messages pending, I saw no less
than *ten* threads with the subject line "Off-topic but incredible" -
and nine of them were replies to the tenth, and all of them started by
Phil Pugliese. Most were single messages; one or two had replies by

When one keeps years of TML on hand, and subject lines recur (as they
do) for threads that actually have nothing to do with each other, the
only sensible way of keeping threads ... threaded ... is to rely on the
References header. Mr Pugliese's mail authoring program apparently does
not use or honor the References header, and as a result, he breaks EVERY
SINGLE THREAD he participates in - and does so again each time he posts
to a thread. This is not a function of the "false addressing" that
SimpleLists does for certain domains; Les Bates and Loren Wiseman have
also had their addresses "falsified" to "xxxxxx@simplelists.com", but
they do not break threads as Mr Pugliese does.

I can cite several other occasions in which Mr Pugliese's replies have
*shattered* topic threads, including, for example, the thread titled
"Relic Tech and Scarcity-driven Imperium", in which Mr Pugliese created
not less than twenty-eight "broken branches" over a four-day period
ending 31 March.

This makes it difficult to follow threads, and moreso when trying to
catch up after a lapse.

Others have been guilty of this offense in the past; most of them, when
it has been brought to their attention, have made adjustments, and no
longer appear to be breaking threads. Mr Pugliese, however, has
persisted. I am therefore publicly calling on Mr Pugliese to PLEASE
IMMEDIATELY change his email program to one that does not maliciously
vandalize every single thread he wishes to participate in.

I am willing to offer advice and assistance in private mail if Mr
Pugliese is willing to provide system particulars concerning the
environment he is working in; while I have no direct knowledge of Linux
or Macintosh programs (if such is his environment), I can certainly get
advice from people I trust, and pass it on, and, with ListMom's
assistance, I may also be able to actually test Windows and Linux

Jeff Zeitlin, Editor
Freelance Traveller
    The Electronic Fan-Supported
    Traveller® Fanzine and Resource


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