IIRC, I think the assumption was that a typical Veteran crew was CT skill 2

Dom Mooney - Sent from iOS using Spark

On 7 Mar 2016, 08:00 +0000, Evyn MacDude <xxxxxx@gmail.com>, wrote:

On Sun, Mar 6, 2016 at 3:11 PM, Dom Mooney <xxxxxx@gmail.com> wrote:
Huge problems with Adventure Class ships? Absolutely.

TNE is about the only rules set that covered them with any sort of detail.... 

It was a design decision because the focus was on Fleet or Squadron engagements.

Which it does well,

Of course, multiplying boxes by five or so in sub-1000dT ships makes the system more palatable for that scale of combat. The next problem is how to factor skills, but you can draw on the crew quality table for that.

Getting a ratio that feels right is the hard part, coupled with the idea to include Smallcraft as ships instead fighters. 

Though the Crew quality to cover skills is what I was thinking as well.

The other Idea that is kicking around in the back of my head is reverse it all and Convert all the Traveller Ship stuff into plain vanilla Full Thrust.
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