Hello Kelly St. Clair,
My luck at rolling dice seem to fail on the easiest tasks resulting in, usually, the character going out in a spectacular  fashion. My success on the harder tasks are a lot better, most of the time the character survives.
Tom R

From: "Kelly St. Clair" <xxxxxx@efn.org>
To: "TML" <xxxxxx@simplelists.com>
Sent: Tuesday, February 23, 2016 11:41:31 AM
Subject: Re: [TML] Trawling for 'ice'?

On 2/23/2016 11:29 AM, xxxxxx@comcast.net wrote:

> With my luck the ship's fuel purification system will not work or the
> contaminates will do something nasty to the ship.

Perhaps, but IMO that's a card that should be played sparingly - I mean,
that's what the system is FOR.  If it's not reliable, then you get the
players rolling their eyes ("oh look, the transporter/holodeck/ whatever
is broken again because lazy writing I mean REASONS") and the characters
wondering why they spent the credits and volume on something that never

Kelly St. Clair

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