Greetings Greg,
Under the Classic Traveller mis-jump rules the mis-jump chances are (13+ on 2d6), unrefined fuel use (and not equiped to use it DM+1), distance to stellar mass dependent (within 100 diameters (DM+5) is less risky than within 10 diameters (DM+10)) and not a Navy (DM-1) or Scout ship (DM-2).
A ship can travel up to 36 hexes so the following situation is possible:
An Empress Marava-Class A2 Far Trader mounting a standard Jump-2 has mis-jumped from Ukham (3034/Langan/Gushemege) and arrives 36 hexes later in an empty hex at (2616/Gone/Reft). Where the crew finds / encounters a Gazelle class Close Escort mounting a Jump-2, 4, or 5 (Drop tank situation dependent) with the Horizon class Gig and Drop tanks attached. Investigation of the Gazelle shows that it mis-jumped from Binges (1635/district 268/Spinward Marches), a distance of 35 hexes.
Both ships are in need of jump fuel, but even with a full load of fuel for both the nearest system is too far for general survival, unless you are VERY creative.
In service,
Clifford Linehan
Traveller: The Core Route Projects
®Traveller is a registered trademark of Far Future Enterprises, 1977-2015
On Tue, 16 Feb 2016 17:09:38 +1100 Greg Chalik <> writes:
So what are the chances of there being a misjump into space too far from any star system per different rules?

On 16 February 2016 at 12:01, Tim <> wrote:
On Tue, Feb 16, 2016 at 11:42:02AM +1100, Greg Chalik wrote:
> Even a mis-jump will put a ship in a vicinity of SOME star system.

No, most will put a ship in deep space.  Unless by "vicinity" you mean
reachable in a decade or two of sublight travel if nothing breaks down
and they manage to rig up a long-term food recycling system.
(Travelling near c over astronomical distances without specialized
shielding of some sort is a bad idea)

Even a misjump into the same "hex" as an inhabited system is a huge
volume.  Even with the most liberal reading of the most generous rule
system, jump flash won't be detected more than a light-month out or
so.  No better for distress beacons, and probably shorter.  A sphere
one light-month in radius is about 0.007% of a cubic parsec.

I would expect that most ships misjumping badly enough to miss their
target system are never found.

- Tim
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