True. But "it just happened" isn't good enough. What systems do they have to prevent it from happening? How did that fail to prevent it? The GM should answer those questions when writing the scenario, so that he has a ready answer when the players want to use these systems to figure out what happened. That does not mean the players get an *honest* answer, or the *"real"* one necessarily. Otherwise, they can feel railroaded. "You're just making our die rolls autofail because you won't let us find it". 

From: Phil Pugliese (via tml list) <>
Sent: Monday, February 15, 2016 6:09 AM
Subject: Re: [TML] Instant city

True, but wanting to be able to do something & being able to do that very thing are two different things entirely.
We can't always do what we want nowadays & that will be just as true in the future. Esp the TU(c).
So, I do not accept that it cannot be possible that, w/i the TU, it will still be possible to lose ships w/o a trace..