On 12 Feb 2016 at 19:26, Craig Berry wrote:
> It's well established by canon that 100dt is the lower boundary on
> what can enter Jump. Less clear is whether you need a sentient on
> board; if not, automated "jump torpedoes" become a great way to carry
> messages around. But if they're possible, the crewed XBoat network
> makes no sense, and that's pretty deeply embedded in canon. I don't
> think anything in canon attempts to explain why you need a sentient on
> board.

The rules from CT onwards allow entrance into jump inside 100 diameters. It was just unsafe, with 'unsafe' varying from "Don't try this at home, kids" to "Are you freaking nuts!?", depending on version.

Rupert Boleyn <xxxxxx@gmail.com>