Hello Jeffrey Schwartz,
I do recall, I am not sure from which book, that during times of war the scouts, like the US Coast Guard, are assigned to the Navy.
However, CT Supplement 9 p. 20 "The fleet courier, a 400-ton starship, is intended to provide naval commanders with the capability of transmitting orders and information across subsector distances in relatively short periods of time."
With my luck the scout or fleet courier either did not survive the landing or the bay/hangar holding the ship can't be opened to let it out.
Tom R

From: "Jeffrey Schwartz" <xxxxxx@gmail.com>
To: "TML" <xxxxxx@simplelists.com>
Sent: Friday, February 12, 2016 7:15:39 AM
Subject: Re: [TML] Instant city

On Thu, Feb 11, 2016 at 7:22 PM, Greg Chalik <xxxxxx@gmail.com> wrote:
> Tom,
> That naval crew members do all sorts of things during cruises is no news,
> but...
> I'm not just talking about learning a new language
> This is learning how to decipher a new language.
> Such a course today is a postgraduate undertaking, i.e. limited to officers
> only, which cuts the number of people likely to take such a course somewhat
> drastically to the 4,433 (see below).
> Then there is the actual need.
> I can understand someone on a scout or research vessel doing something like
> this, but a dreadnaught-class?

Aren't Scout crews assigned to the Navy in time of war?
I could see a Type-S and her crew berthed aboard a Tigress as a courier.
> However, it also seems to me that:
> a. The Imperium Navy will notice a Tigress-class vessel go off the network.
> b. Any number of the functioning fighters and cutters can be rigged to
> launch on routes to Imerium bases using onboard automated flight controls,
> broadcasting SOS-equivalent as they go. Eventually someone somewhere will
> detect and collect one of these, and identify its system-of-origin. A rescue
> mission will not be far off. Certainly it will arrive long before the
> natives have achieved any sort of enlightnment from having a massive
> spaceship drop in on them.

For a sublight small craft, that might take a while to get noticed...

Of course, the flip side is if there's a Courier berthed, then you're
better off sending it for help rather than using it as a language
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