And I always thought that the best time to have an adventure is just after the Second Imperium falls appart :-)



On 3 February 2016 at 12:47, <> wrote:
Hello Joseph Paul,
The First Imperium used the Consolidation Wars to pretty much force other cultures into the Vilani culture.
The Second Imperium basically fell apart.
The Third Imperium's beginnings, in theory, are in T4 and they used various methods to taken over which included war and paying off key figures. Once the Third Imperium was established economic, political, and military means were used. Hopefully Marc Miller will be releasing Donald McKinney's Integrated Timeline which is a very handy reference.
Tom R

From: "Joseph Paul" <>
To: "TML" <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 2, 2016 3:47:17 PM
Subject: Re: [TML] Understanding World Domination.

Treaties Greg, treaties. Which are the highest law in the US and nothing but contracts. At least until 1871 and the Dawes Act when Congress made a law that forbade making treaties with the Natives.

Yes, in those treaties the tribes ceded land in exchange for pay - in the particular case of the Treaty with the Wyandot 1795 a lump sum followed by annuities. They were to never have any future claim to the land and they were supposed to get their annuity into perpetuity.

It is entirely possible to make a treaty with people that do not have citizenship with your country. It is a binding contract that will hold up in a fairly administered court of law - that is not what The United States has always had.

Not sure if there is any canon on Imperial Policy and planetary sophonts.
Joseph Paul
By My Hand Designs LLC
4221 N Park Ave
Indianapolis, IN 46205
On 2/2/2016 2:10 PM, Greg Chalik wrote:

Joseph, I'm not aware that any tribe SOLD their land, or that this sale was via a transfer of Land Title under the then US law, because IMHO the US Government didn't recognise Native Title, and for that matter Native tribes had no citizenship until 1924, so neither individuals, nor collective legal entities could make a contract recognisible in US civil and administrative code.

It seems the USA is a state created on stolen property, though some of it was not originally stolen by the USA. Europeans would claim land under Right of Conquest.

What are the Imperium policies towards indigenous planetary sapients that decline to integrate?



On 03/02/2016 5:17 AM, "Joseph Paul" <> wrote:
On 2/1/2016 3:35 PM, Greg Chalik wrote:

Doug, its not possible to make a contract with individuals who hadn't born born yet.

Even if every adult in the four living generations agree to the sale, if things turn sour, someone two or three generations later will say, ''we never made such a contract, so its not binding''.

This is why all Russian subjects in Alaska had to either leave Alaska, or accept US citizenship.

I suspect same thing would apply in Traveller.


Greg C

Greg Chalik - Try telling that to Native Americans still bound by treaties made generations before they were born. You most certainly can bind the unborn.


Joseph Paul

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