On 22 October 2015 at 23:11, Andrew Long <xxxxxx@mac.com> wrote:
Tim, as the official bibliographer (is that even a word?!)

Oh, definitely a word!  And a title I proudly claim!
for Traveller related publications, I thought I'd bring this one to your attention.


(I'm a tad confused as to whether it can be posted to the UK or not as big letters says it can't and then directly underneath is says it can...)

Many thanks for that, always very happy to have things pointed out to me.

3rd edition is well on the way and am hoping BITS can do something  with it soon as it's sorely needed.



On 22 October 2015 at 23:11, Andrew Long <xxxxxx@mac.com> wrote:
Tim, as the official bibliographer (is that even a word?!) for Traveller related publications, I thought I'd bring this one to your attention.


Regards, Andy

Andrew Long
Andrew dot Long at Mac dot com

Timothy Collinson
Faculty Librarian (Technology)
University of Portsmouth
Cambridge Road

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