Probably not realistic, but yes, a very cool setting. :) In Earthlike conditions I'd expect the deadfall to burn or be largely processed by biota within a few years, though. It's amazing how brief a time a huge fallen tree lasts when it lands in wet loam.

On Fri, Oct 23, 2015 at 2:14 PM, David Jaques-Watson <> wrote:

Dear Folks –


FWIW, I postulated that Tavonni, about once in a hundred years, passes through the shadow-cone of Ryzel, the gas giant it orbits. I calculated that it would be in shadow for roughly 2 weeks. This leads to the formation of “Tavonni Jungle”, a densely-packed area of fallen trees and plants, created by the die-back of the forest during the period that Tavonni cooled.


Realistic? Dunno. Nice chrome for a world-building/Land Grab description? Yes. Cool place to force someone to crash-land in? Most Definitely.



David "Hyphen" Jaques-Watson Beowulf Down (Tavonni/Vilis/SM 1520)          
"I file things in historical order, with a hashing algorithm of gravity"


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"Eternity is in love with the productions of time." - William Blake