Easier :
Walmart had a little USB wireless thumb drive for about $30
Plug it into adapter, leave on dash
Put cheap tablet on dash
This puts your video on a different network than the company one, makes things cleaner.
Get a refurbished android cell phone, or one I've the $9 "miner" phones, load a Webcam app, and stick it in place with WiFi turned on.
Even if it gets stolen, you're only out $9
Or make your mag mount high enough it would take a step ladder to steal it
As a bonus, load Tasker on the phone and set up a script that will sound off a siren if the phone's orientation changes. Some punk pulls it down and it screams for 3 minutes, they'll probably drop it as they run off.
I put in a large storage array and a wifi network for just such an application. The trucks (short haul) would come into the yard each night and dump a days video to the array automatically.It was better then the drivers having to pull and exchange Hard Drives.They kept about a years data from 5 cameras on each of about 200 trucks.It was a big storage array. :)
Sent from my bat phoneHey All,As I may or may not have posted earlier, I've decided to begin a new career as a long-haul (known as "over the road") truck driver. I'm current about 3/4 of the way to obtaining my Commercial Driver's License, after which I will start working for a commercial trucking firm.On of the things which has been mentioned repeatedly in my training thus far are the existence of dangerous blind spots around the circumference of a truck+trailer combination vehicle, particularly directly to the rear and the several feet closest to the front and driver's door.The informational material provided for new employees by the company for which I will be working mentions that their spiffy, high-tech trucks [average fleet age is 13 months] feature wireless internet access.So it occured to me . . . shouldn't it be possible to get some wireless webcams, epoxy magnets to their cases and set these up to cover the blindspots, by feeding their signals to a touchscreen tablet mounted on my dash?[NOTE: I have mentioned this to two people so far, my classroom instructor and a young fellow trainee who happens to be headed to the same company as I am. My instructor's only comment was that I'd better put them in my pocket every time I stopped or they'd end up "missing." My fellow trainee looked panicked and said, "Oh, no! You can't do that, due to privacy issues!" . . . but upon reflection, I think his panic likely came from the thought of the company remotely watching how he was driving in real time . . .).]--Richard Aiken
"Never insult anyone by accident." Robert A. Heinlein"A word to the wise ain't necessary -- it's the stupid ones that need the advice." - Bill Cosby"We know a little about a lot of things; just enough to make us dangerous." Dean Winchester----- The Traveller Mailing List Archives at http://archives.simplelists.com/tml Report problems to xxxxxx@travellercentral.com To unsubscribe from this list please goto http://archives.simplelists.com----- The Traveller Mailing List Archives at http://archives.simplelists.com/tml Report problems to xxxxxx@travellercentral.com To unsubscribe from this list please goto http://www.simplelists.com/confirm.php?u=vSy3NFQJMSbZKrzPfC3XucFBsUCMtKrI