Hi All,

I'm in the proceso if making an old-fashioned three-panel GM's screen, for when I (one day, some day . . . ) run another face-to-face Savaged Traveller game.

I already have the blank screen. I made this by covering an old 3.5 Players Screen with four coats of white base latex paint per side (applied in opposite directions with a wide foam brush). The result came out looking (and feeling) rather like leather. Yeah, I know. Sacrilege. But it was rather battered and an orphan - plus I have no desire to play 3.5 ever again - so I decided to make it into something useful. 

I also have all the Savage World and Traveller charts I will likely need. The problem is picking what to paste in, out of the plethora of options. I've even created my own inverted version of the SW Fear Table. But if someone has such items of which they are truly fond, I won't mind looking at them.

But what I'm really looking for - as my subject line says - is cool images to put on the player's side of the three panels. In case you don't have an old 3.5 screen handy to measure, each panel is 8" wide by 10.5 inches high. I haven't yet decided if I'm going to go with three different images (i.e. a spacecraft, an alien landscape and a character-centered scene) or if I'm going to wrap one continuous image across all three panels.

Any ideas (and image sources, preferably free!) would be appreciated. :)

Richard Aiken

"Never insult anyone by accident."  Robert A. Heinlein
"A word to the wise ain't necessary -- it's the stupid ones that need the advice." - Bill Cosby
"We know a little about a lot of things; just enough to make us dangerous." Dean Winchester